Batoume is located in the prefecture of Haho,l. It’s current population is estimated at 3,183 including 1,400 women, 1153 men and 630 children half of which are not enrolled in school.
The only source of water to the people of Batoume are small pools of water that collect after heavy rains. After that rain is collected and/or evaporated the villagers set out by foot to the nearest village about 2 miles away in search of water, if none if found there they continue on to the next village in hopes of finding some source of water.
Similar to other villages where we sampled water, the results of the microbiological analysis were just as grim where harmful bacteria such as Escherichia Coli (also known as E. Coli), human and animal fecal matter, bacterial responsible for causing Typhoid fever, among others were found to be present in the water.
Agriculture and crafts are the main economic drivers for the people of Batoume with a very low rate of commercial traffic.
Having access to safe water can change everything. Children are able to stay in school, people live longer, healthier lives, and communities can thrive. Access to this basic necessity can increases positively impact a Childs likelihood to make it into adulthood and increase the opportunity for individuals, communities, and countries to prosper.
You can help us bring lasting change to the people of Batoume and magnify that impact by making a contribution to our GoFundMe Campaign, Becoming a Monthly Donor, Sponsoring a Child, or even Sponsoring a Well!
Encourage family and friends to donate QEWFA in honor of your birthday, wedding, athletic event, an important milestone, or in memory or honor of a loved one. Helps to spread the word about the necessary work we are doing throughout the country.
Our mission is to give as many people the gift of clean drinking water that we possibly can! By participating in our fundraising initiatives and spreading the word about our Organization you are helping us get closer to that being a reality !
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Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal and this project is now complete.